Phel Into This
Days Since Last Full-Time Employment: 84
Thirteen weeks ago, my job – and the entire department – was eliminated by restructuring. I spent nearly 10 years in communications and marketing at Mid-America Transplant. They were great years. Many great accomplishments, relationships, and memories. My colleagues and I were, unquestionably, making a difference in St. Louis, our region, and the nation.
I walked out of work that day shocked, stunned, and overwhelmed. Pick a synonym of any of those words. It probably applies.
I’ve spent the last three-plus months navigating a new world as an unemployed job seeker. In a pandemic. In which most communications professionals are working virtually. While 2020 gives us murder hornets, wildfires to the nth degree, impassioned mask debates … and who knows what else in the last week of the year.
Sharing My Experience.
As one of more than 10 million unemployed Americans (as of November 2020), we’re in this together. Hopefully, my journey, experience, and stories can help someone else.
Here’s the plan: I’ll post at least twice per month about my job seeking journey. I’ll sprinkle in some off-the-beat posts about various topics: food, soccer, technology and stuff, life as a stay-at-home-dad, and other things I find interesting.
A Little About Me.
Husband. Father. Louligan. Amateur home chef.
My wife, Molly, and I have been married since September 2009. We have two incredible children, Wilhemina, 9, and Owen, 6. Coming soon, I’ll have a post about how Owen became my life coach in 2020.
I’m a St. Louligan. We’re a group of fans supporting St. Louis area soccer teams with our voices, local breweries with our taste buds, and local charities through the Charity du Jour program. I was introduced to the group during Saint Louis FC’s U.S. Open Cup run in 2019. Unfortunately, STLFC folded after the 2020 season. As we look forward to St. Louis CITY SC joining Major League Soccer in 2023, we’ll continue to support St. Louis.
I love cooking and trying new recipes and restaurants. I’m working on a Foodie Friday-type idea for this blog.
What’s Next?
Over the coming weeks and months, I plan to share the highs and lows of this process in a conversational voice. Most posts will be shorter than this one … I think. I hope. Along the journey, I hope I can provide you with something interesting, informative, and, at times, humorous.
I hope you’ll come back.
PS. Mid-America Transplant continues to do important work as more than 100,000 Americans wait for a transplant. Register your decision to be on organ donor at
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